Turn Your Computer into a Charity Engine - Moleskine and Me

Today we can use the Internet for many purpose, one of them could be very good and it has great impact not only for our self but also for humanity. www.einegutesache.de develop a new software that enable us to spend charity while surfing the internet. The software called AidMaker.

By combining a great number of online store about 5000 merchant, and this piece of software you can support your favourite charity for free while you are shopping. You pay the normal store price for your product but the retailer donates part of the purchase to the cause you have decided to support. 75 percent of the total purchase price will then go to charity.

aGoodCause.com as the main organization for this project is a global partnership between 700 of the worlds most important NGOs - charities like Save the Children, Red Cross, Amnesty International, OXFAM and many others. They've cleverly using out online activity and turn it into charty


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