Here is another easy trick to avoid error message Your template is invalid because the tag 'b:section' appears inside of the tag 'head'. You may experienced an error message when applying Tittle Tag optimization on Blogspot like I did when changing my moleskine blog themes. Somehow the automatic xml parser detector from New Blogger doesn't accept the tag 'b:section' inside the head section anymore.
So here it is, the trick to optimize your blogger title in new blogger.
1. Get your original template and open in the text editor.
2. Find the following code
3. Delete those code
4. Copy the following code and paste before the tag <head> on your template
<!-- Start Widget-based: Changing the Blogger Title Tag -->
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<b:section id='titleTag'>
<b:widget id='Blog2' locked='false' title='Blog Posts' type='Blog'>
<b:includable id='comments' var='post'/>
<b:includable id='postQuickEdit' var='post'/>
<b:includable id='main' var='top'><title><b:loop values='data:posts' var='post'><b:include data='post' name='post'/></b:loop> ~ <data:blog.title/></title></b:includable>
<b:includable id='backlinkDeleteIcon' var='backlink'/>
<b:includable id='feedLinksBody' var='links'/>
<b:includable id='backlinks' var='post'/>
<b:includable id='status-message'/>
<b:includable id='feedLinks'/>
<b:includable id='nextprev'/>
<b:includable id='commentDeleteIcon' var='comment'/>
<b:includable id='post' var='post'><data:post.title/></b:includable>
<!-- End Widget-based: Changing the Blogger Title Tag -->
5. Select all code from your text editor and copy.
6. Go to your Blogger template editor. Create a backup copy of your current template.
7. Delete all code on the blogger template editor and paste the new template code from your text editor.
8. Save template and done.
There will be a warning message from blogger for deleting the widgets on your current template. Just click delete and save.
You can see the result immediately and enjoy the optimized title for the SEO juice of blogspot.
Labels: Blogger Tips
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still getting that b:section error.